Thursday, February 23, 2012

Conjoined twins

Today we read two articles of two conjoined twins one dealing with how they were seperated and the other about their life while still being conjoined. Both of these articles deal with today's world because we still have conjoined twins and are still doing surgery in order to make them "normal." One thing that has changed today is the reason to why we seperate them. In the past we seperated them because we thought that they contained one soul and they wanted to make it so that they both had a soul. Now the reason that we seperate twins is because it is more of a safety issue for when the twins are growing so it doesnt cause difficulties. One question that was posed in was are we seperating them because society wants to make them normal or to help them feel normal? I feel like we seperate these people because of society not because we want them to feel normal. The one thing that I didnt like was that in the Being Humaned there was a quote that they were taking these conjoined twins and making normal human beings out of monster" I feel like that is a terrible thing to say because they are human beings they were just deformed at birth. Another question whether or not these doctors were actually concerned about the twins or were only concerned about the science part of it. I think that during the time these twins were being seperated the doctors were more concerned about the science because in the article it says how they televised it and it had nothing to do with twins it had to do with the surgery. Now however I would like to think that doctors are more ethical and actually want to help others over helping themselves.

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