Sunday, February 19, 2012

Feb 16th

During class, we had the debate whether Dr. Sim's research was found in a moral or immoral way.  I just want to take this opportunity to explain what I would like to say on that issue.  I believe that Dr. Sim knew exactly what he was doing to these women but because of financial restraints and lack of sympathy, he continued the surgeries.  In addition, his co workers refused to work with him further because of his methods.  This also shows that his co workers found what he was doing was immoral.  Finally, he drugged the African American females with morphine so that they could assist him on each others procedures which shows that even the women weren't really in complete compliance.  Finally, it is not surprising that the test subjects he chose were female African Americans because during the time period Dr. Sim's lived in, African American females were the "lowest" member of society.  All in all, I believe that even Dr. Sim knew that the work he was doing on those women was immoral. 

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