Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Crimes of Anatomy

The readings for today dealt the issue of dissecting human beings while they were still alive. In class the one question that we talked about that interested me the most was wether or not disection turned the docotrs viewing of patients from humans to objects? This interested me because it also deals with the world today in not only doctor jobs but other jobs as well as we have mentioned in class. The question was then posed whether or not it is a good thing or a bad thing for doctors to distant themselves from their patients. I feel like this is a good thing in a way because you should never become emotionally invovled with a patient incase something bad happens during surgey. This is the same in other professions as well not just doctors as well for example im going into law and a lawyer should never become emtionally attached because it can interfere with their work same goes for a doctor. Another questoin that we went over that dealt with this issue was if it is still necessary today to continue to disect humen beings while they are still alive. While I don't personally agree with the things that went on in the past I do believe that it is better for a doctor to have hands on experiennce with things before they actually go into surgery. I also believe that if it is helping the greater good and people are consenting to it then yes this may still be necessary but only for things that we do not know or to help train med students. I do think that eventually we will move away from disecting live human beings with the more technology that we have for example someone in class mentioned that now med students get to look on while surgeons are diong a surgery which is better then disecting someone if it is not needed.

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