Monday, February 20, 2012


This week the reading really did interest me.  I never really looked into dissection and how it originated.  The article "Crimes on Anatomy" caught my interest because times have drastically changed from the eighteenth century.  Thinking back on the article, the Egyptians started with dissection during the process of mummification.  To the Egyptians, the process of mummification was done to everyone to preserve the body as well as for Pharaohs, it was an honor to them.  They could be buried with their people.  When I started to read about Herophilus, I saw myself writing "ethics" all over my notes.  I was writing this because of the changes in ethics from then to now.  Also, when dissection was a sentencing option in the United States, I thought of this as weird because why would this ever be considered a sentencing option.  As the article progressed, I was most awed by William Harvey and how he dissected his father and sister.  This bothered me because why would you want to see your family member like that?  You would be the sole reason they were dismembered and why would someone ever want to live with that?  Also, the corpse stealing gave me a queasy stomach.  In today's world, this would never happen, and if it did this person would be considered a "freak" and invasive.

Leslie Walter

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