Course blog for SUNY Fredonia HIST 375/AMST 399: History of Authority (Science, Medicine and the "Deviant" Body), taught by professor Jeffry J. Iovannone, Spring 2012
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Class Reflection
John Plevel
class reflection
Monday, April 30, 2012
Class Reflection!
I really liked the way that this class was discussion based. I feel like that I learned way more than I normally would have if it was just a lecture based class. Being able to hear different viewpoints and opinions on the topics gave me a better insight on the subject matter. When there was a topic that I wasn't quite sure where I stood on it, hearing what other people thought about it helped me form my own thoughts. I really liked that our class was able to share our thoughts without fear of being judged or being wrong. I don't know if it was the individuals in our class that made it that way or something else, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Most classes where discussion is involved, it seems awkward and forced. This class was not, which was very refreshing. The material we talked about was eye opening to me in some cases. Other cases it made me really think about things that I never really gave a second thought as to how it affected me or society in general. The only thing that I would change is some of the work load. The discussion questions were great because they really made me think critically about the readings (which I also really enjoyed). I think that if all the papers (event paper, book review, and scholar activism project) are going to stay, they should be shorter. At least the event paper and book review should be shortened. I do understand the reason behind them being assigned and think that they are a good idea. However I do have tons of other papers, projects, and readings for other classes. The longer papers in this class added to my stress at times.
I want to thank Jeff for making this class what it is and helping facilitate our discussions. I wish that I had more time left in my time here in Fredonia to take more classes with Jeff. I liked that he brought in the guest speakers to help us connect to our learning. I especially liked Meghan Tonjes. I was really inspired by her Project Life Size project. I am glad she sang for us, I listen to her music all the time now. I also want to thank everyone in the class for making this class as great as it was. I am kind of sad that it is coming to an end. I am glad that I could be part of such a great class.
Birth Rape?
Click here for the Yahoo Article
Click here for the woman's original blog post
The reading material was perfect because they presented relevant examples of everything that we were talking about. All of the topics that we discussed in class were real-world examples, the speakers were first rate, and Megan Tonjes is the new love of my life. This makes the class "hit home" a little more than basic lecture, study, test platforms. Overall, I would say that all of this needs to stay exactly the same. Perfection doesn't even begin to describe the way in which this classroom was taught. As an education major, much of the focus is on Bloom's taxonomy. This format mandated that we synthesize higher order questions and think at a level that might be outside of our comfort zone. Regardless, we learned.
What I did not like about the class was that nothing had a definite answer to it. I like discussing the "grey area" but on some topics, I was interested in finding out a definite answer. I also don't think that an event paper, book review and this scholar activism project is realistic. I take 22 credits, work 2 jobs and run three clubs finding the time to fit this all in with other projects that pertain to my actual major was difficult and sometimes I had to choose what assignment to do.
Overall, I really did like this course and if the workload was adjusted, I would have been less stressed out about it.
Leslie Walter
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Class Reflection
Body Modification
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Visibility of Radical Forms of Body Modification
Angela B.
Final Reflection
This course has offered me a critical lens to examine and analyze different historical and contemporary events, and explore the way in which science, society, and authority become interwoven, influencing one another in dramatic and sometimes detrimental ways. Furthermore, I have been able to apply the course material beyond the classroom to my everyday life. For I constantly find myself thinking of a new question which applies to the course or recognizing something which relates to a topic covered in class. It has also help to inform my efforts of understanding a variety of different areas such as women’s reproductive health, disability, and body modification. Also, the information I've gained I have been able to use and apply to a variety of other courses and course work, including my Psychology independent study and Women's Studies capstone project which seeks to examine the stigma of menstruation. I feel that the knowledge which I have gained from this course will continue to have a profound impact on my life, and the way in which I view society, medicine, deviancy. With new knowledge gained from this course, I am able to make more conscious decisions regarding not only my healthy, but has inspired me to offer alternatives and information to others. Also, I must mention that the atmosphere of the class truly allowed for discussion and thoughts to flourish in a respectful and educating manner which I greatly appreciated. History of Authority was truly one of my favorite courses I've had the privilege of attending, and will continue to carry the knowledge which I've gained with me throughout my life and career.
Angela B.
Final thoughts
The most important thing I'm taking from this class is what I've learned about other people and about myself. I never would have given most of these issues a second thought if I hadn't been forced to learn about them and really think about how I felt. Now, I can have a more educated opinion on issues that will certainly come up in my future and I have a little more experience discussing them with my peers. Thanks to all the other students in the class; you made it so much fun for me, and I really hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did! And thanks, of course, to Jeff. Your class rocks, and I'm really glad that more students will have the opportunity to take it next semester.
Sarah Bradley
Tattoo Perception
Body modification
Sarah Bradley
Friday, April 27, 2012
Final Thoughts
-Allison B
Tattoos & Body Modification Questions
1. Consider the way in which tattoos and other forms of body modification often mark one as "primitive" or "freak." Has the view of certain body modification evolved from this perception and attitude, or are individuals who practice certain forms of body modification still marked as "primitive" and essentially deviant?
2. Kat Von D and her television show often features women tattooists and clients. Does her show provide a false sense of equality or that anyone can do it? Is it another form of freak shows? Does it "dilute the significance," (273) of body modification practices?
3. Are tattooing and radical body modification practices an appropriate form of resistance? Are tattooed women transgressing the gender norms?
4. Some of the radical forms of body modification procedures have a spiritual aspect to them, (274). Are certain body modification procedures such as cosmetic surgery considered more appropriate and acceptable because they are situated within a medical realm?
Thanks again!
Angela B.
Final comments
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Classs Evaluation
Erin Pattridge
Body Modification
the class as a whole
Body Modification
Body Mofidifcation
When I see a female body builder on the television or in person, I am not going to lie I am a little freaked out by it. But even when I see a male body builder, I am freaked out. These people are pushing their bodies to the extreme in a good and bad way. When a person puts steroids into their body they are permanently damaging and/or creating an unneeded addiction. Why does your body need to be that toned and "ripped"? Is that really necessary? I do not think so.
A bunch of my friends back home participate in body building and they invited me to a competition. I felt as though I was in another world of extreme fitness and protein. The first thing I though of was the youtube video, "My New Haircut" where a gentleman mocks the Italian heritage and tries to pretend as though he is a body builder.
I do not know how I feel about body building because it is a good way to stay healthy if it is done in modification and not to either extreme.
Leslie Walter
Modern Day Barbie?
I do believe it is an addiction because once you start, some people clearly can't stop. There are a lot of different perspectives on this topic and debates as well.
Leslie Walter
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Final Blog: Course Eval/Reflection
Male Plastic Surgery
"The Most Beautiful Face"
I think it is interesting how they scientifically measure someone's face, and criticize the "symmetry" that you do or do not have.
- Josh Steffen
Normal or Deviant: Class Thoughts
"On the Cher show I had not just one censor on my set, but two, a man and a woman. And I don't know where they came from, but they interpreted everything as being about sex. They were also constantly objecting to my dresses: either they were cut too low or revealed too much. And the censors made our editor do a wipe on it, so that everything just about disappeared in fogginess, even me. One time, I was in an amazing bias-cut gown. And the censor came over and said, 'She looks like a hooker.' It was all kind of silly, because the thing CBS wanted me on the air for was the very thing they weren't allowing me to do."
Back in the 1970s, Cher wearing "revealing" clothes or "showing skin" was considered deviant because she was challenging the norm, which was to stay covered up - today though, its nothing to us and no one would bat an eye lash.
In the late 1980s, Cher's outfit for the original "If I Could Turn Back Time" video (a fishnet body stocking under a very revealing black one-piece bathing suit) caused some controversy, and many television networks refused to show the video. In 1989 the MTV network banned the video and later played it only after 9 p.m. A "censored" video, including new scenes, and showing less explicitly sexual content than the previous original video was then made. At the time, this was deviant, but once again, this would not be such a big deal today.
- Josh Steffen
tattooing the world. - Class thoughts
what i thought about the class... what i now wish i didn't know!
- I learned a lot about the world in the last fifteen weeks of classes. I learned to seconded guess everyone and the reason why they are doing what they are doing. I learned how ashamed i should feel being a white, middle class women and how proud i should feel so many issues that we read about don't happen anymore. I learned to question doctors and everyone more than I answer the questions.
this class made me a constant questioner
-Sarah Fiorella
Reponse to Women and the Knife
Only women do it ??
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Cher's Cosmetic Surgery
- Josh Steffen
Popular Science and Henrietta Lacks
Henrietta Lacks has been featured in "Popular Science" after the publication of the Skloot book. Take a look at some of the comments and see if you can throw your two cents in. I have a feeling those who posted on the wall didn't do as much research on the subject as we did!
Cake Discussion
Monday, April 23, 2012
Sexed Ink
Well I am not quite sure about the overall message of Victoria Pitts’s article, “Reclaiming the Female Body”; some of the sentence structuring was pretty tough to get through. But I think it’s about women using body modification to reject normalized beauty ideals, and to “reclaim their bodies”. However, I think I would have to agree with radical feminists in that tattooing and other forms of body modification are starting to be “equated with more mainstream cosmetic practices that are seen as objectifying” (277). When in Kuwait, our unit would receive many care packages from our families or random folks. We would all take what we wanted and then discard the remaining items and put them on a shelf for anyone to take. Some of these items were magazines and bunch of them were “Ink” related. What these "Ink" issues all had in common is that they weren’t any different from any other magazine: Good looking women in skimpy outfits. They made tattoos and other forms of body modification “sexy”. What’s even more interesting is that when they show some dudes tattoo, who is def. not a model, it’s a simple picture of the tattoo. Even more mind boggling, is that most of the time, the tattoos on the female models are fake. They are purposely promoting tattoos by making them appealing; no different than when selling any other product. I have included a couple pictures from the magazine Bound by Ink. I have also included a picture of Avril Lavinge’s “fuck” tattoo. Does the tattoo make one think that Avril Lavinge is rejecting normalized beauty ideas? Or reclaiming her body? Or does she and Maxim Magazine make the tattoo sexy, and thus in a sense making Avril Lavinge into a sex object even more than she already is?
Veiled Terrorism
Washington vs. Skloot
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Washington vs. Skloot
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Response to Jim Crow Museum
Jim Crow Museum of Racist Memorabilia
After reading this, I started wondering, what would a museum with all the things we have discussed in class would look like? (outside of what is in the Mutter museum).
-Josh Steffen
sacrifice few to benefit the many
hope and artifice
Its fascinating to see the medical advancements humans are making each year including the examples of a machine heart and synthetic blood - scary but cool! What you never hear are the sacrifices that were made to get there. Its a shame that those who are being used tend to be underprivileged people, especially because they are paying for something they cannot afford.
Debate from class
Friday, April 20, 2012
Debate Last Class
Response to "Cake" Posts
-Josh Steffen
Response to "A Village of Henriettas"
Response to "Vaginal Mutilation...In Cake Form!"
I am very offended and almost surprised that such an event occurred. I feel that there many issues surrounding the creation of a cake which was supposed to represent a black woman, yet was conveyed by an Afro-Se Afro-Swedish artist Makode Linde – who was blackfaced, let alone performing a clitoridectomy on the cake as an attempt to bring awareness to the global practice of female circumcision. This cake symbolizes the notion that genital mutilation is a “primitive” practice, which is more commonly performed by black individuals. The creation and actions of the individuals involved further supports the notion of an “us” vs. “them” mentality. For Westerners are depicted as having overcome inequality, as being more innovated, and having the authority to “help” the less unfortunate individuals affected by the practice of female circumcision. However, within western society genitalia mutilation occurs, yet is centered within a medical realm as a cosmetic-surgery procedure. Furthermore, the fact that this cake was presented during an event and did not create a sobering or awakening effect, but rather elicited a response of laughter and photo-taking, suggests that there exists a sort of entertaining element to the cake, just as freak shows and photos served previously in history. I don’t agree with the supporters of this event and act that this “artistic” attempt to address a global practice of female circumcision was simply that, a way of shedding light on an issue or sparking discussion surrounding the topic. Much rather, I feel that this was a racist and inappropriate way to addressing the practice of female circumcision. It only further instills the notion that this is an “others” problem, and negates to acknowledge larger socioeconomic, political and historical involvement.
Angela B.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Few for the Many?
I wanted to say that I do not agree the few being sacrificed for the many. This is an unnecessary evil but, some people are sacrificed for the many. Some not by choice.
Under the Henrietta Lacks discussion, she did not have to be sacrificed for the many. But if we did not have her cells, we would not be as advanced in the medical world as we are now. If we did not have a lot of vaccinations we would not be as healthy as we are now. I know many people are opposed to vaccines, but I know they have helped me in the long run.
Leslie Walter
The Machine Age
Debate reflections
Vaginal Mutilation...In Cake Form!
I don't really know what to say about this, but this is absolutely messed up. Anyone else find this unbelievably shocking?
The Machine Age
However, I feel like more and more people in class are gaining a growing distrust for the medical community and their own doctors. I don't think this is completely appropriate because the truth is, most doctors are not malicious and manipulative like the ones we've been reading about. I think the reason some of us have become so jaded is because we've only been focusing on the bad doctors. We should remember that there are still a lot of good ones out there who truly want to do everything they can to make their patients better and who would never take advantage of them.
Sarah Bradley
The MAchine Age
Erin Pattridge
Henrietta Part III
Erin Pattridge
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Discussion from 4/17/12
This discussion got pretty heated and some people thought that her family should be given health care and that brings the questions of should the United States have universal health care. We also talked in class about how this happened to a lot of other people. It Brings up the issue that the other family's should be compensated.
Personally, I think Henrietta's family should be compensated for the selling of her cells and they should be given a chunck of the profits since her cells are still alive today. This would bother me if I was her family. I would ask to have the money adjusted for today's economy and be compensated that way.
Leslie Walter
Immortal Cells
Henrietta Lacks: Washington's Medical Apartheid vs. Skloot
- Josh Steffen
The new fingerprint
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Brian G
Henrietta Lacks
HeLa 3
A Village of Henriettas
- Josh Steffen
The root of all evil.
I was intrigued to witness some classmates bringing up economics today and how corporations(including hospitals, drug companies, and food "manufacturers") owe profit to their shareholders before owing quality and safety to their customers. Large corporations are always calculating "risk assessments" to see whether it would cost more to protect their customers/consumers up front or if the cost would be greater in legal defenses or settlements. So, unfortunately it is in the best interest of the medical community to keep people sick or even make them sick so patients keep coming back for more and paying their dues. Most of this may not even be on purpose, but rather the fact the that doctors are so crunched for time that they rarely question the standard treatments taken for granted or aren't up-to-date with studies surrounding new "medicines" drug companies target at them.
It is important to understand that the way these corporations practice business is not conspiratorial in any sense. They're not inherently evil and out to get you, but rather they are perpetuating a tendency which is determined by the pressure of the economic system and psychological/cultural values rewarded by the system.
If you want to begin understanding economics as the cause of social injustice and inhumane behavior please set aside 5 hours this weekend and watch:
~ John